www.android-online.ru Разработчикиuniquemethod

Приложения разработчика uniquemethod в Android Market

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Иконка для UM Labyrinth Controller 1.1

UM Labyrinth Controller (v. 1.1)

uniquemethod опубликовал приложение 2012-12-16
(обновлено 2012-12-16)

This app is a real maze game controller. Only download if you stand next to the Maze! :) The Maze can emerge in a variety of events!


Install - connect to WiFi networks - Enjoy ;)

Ez az app egy valódi labirintus játék vezérlő. Csak akkor töltsd le, ha épp a labirintus mellett állsz! :) A labirintus a legkülönfélébb rendezvényeken is felbukkanhat!!


Installáld a programot

Kapcsolódj a Wifi hálózathoz

Kezdheted is a játékot..

Иконка для BalaBit AR 1.0

BalaBit AR (v. 1.0)

uniquemethod опубликовал приложение 2012-12-10
(обновлено 2012-12-10)

BalaBit Augmented Reality is a useful application when you are standing in front of a BalaBit display with the caption of "Do not trust aliens!" With this app you can see an augmented reality through your smartphone camera. It is our message to you regarding security.

You have to learn that trust - just like love - is not rational and you should not base your critical business processes on irrationality. With a click on the "Info" button in this app you can download professional white papers on logging and activity monitoring.

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