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Приложения разработчика phoneflips в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
1-10 из 11
Иконка для Pre-Calculus Guide 2.2

Pre-Calculus Guide (v. 2.2)

phoneflips опубликовал приложение 2012-01-15
(обновлено 2012-01-15)

Calculus may not seem very important to you but the lessons and skills you learn will be with for your whole lifetime!

Calculus is the mathematical study of continuous change. It helps you practice and develop your logic/reasoning skills. It throws challenging problems your way which make you think. Although you may never use calculus ever again after school or college, you will definitely hold on to the lessons that calculus teaches you.

Things like time management, how to be organized, how to accomplish things on time, how to perform under pressure, how to be responsible are just some of the things Calculus helps you become proficient in. Traits that will help you succeed.

Calculus plays a big role in most universities today as students in the fields of economics, science, business, engineering, computer science, and so on are all required to take Calculus as prerequisites.

Our Pre-Calculus guide is a preliminary version of Calculus containing over 300 rules, definitions, and examples that provides you with a broad and general introduction of this subject. A valuable pocket reference to have on your phone.

Topics include:

1. Matrix Definition
2. Matrix Addition, Subtraction and Scalar Multiplication
3. Matrix Multiplication
4. Matrix Multiplication Example
5. Augmented Matrix for a System of Equations
6. Solving Augmented Matrices
7. Solving by Gauss-Jordan Elimination
8. Gauss-Jordan Elimination (continued)
9. Special Types of Matrices
10. 2 x 2 Matrix Determinant
11. 3 x 3 Matrix Determinant: Expansion by Minors
12. Determinant of a 3 x 3 Diagonal Multiplication
13. Cramer’s Rule for Solving 2 Linear Equations
14. Cramer’s Rule - Example of solving 2 Equations
15. Cramer’s Rule for 3 Equations in 3 Unknowns
16. Cramer’s Rule - Example of solving three Equations
17. Inverse of a 2 x 2 Matrix
18. System of Equations by Inverse Matrices
19. Area of a Triangle Using Matrices
20. Test for Collinear Points Using Matrices
21. Finding Equation of a Line Given Two Points
22. Conic Sections
23. Ellipses
24. Ellipse Whose Center is at the Origin
25. Ellipse with Center at the Origin Example
26. Ellipse Translation
27. Ellipse Translation Example
28. Equation of an Ellipse in Standard Form
29. Hyperbola
30. Hyperbola Standard Form
31. Hyperbola Standard Form (continued)
32. Hyperbola Centered at the Origin Example
33. Hyperbola Translation
34. Hyperbola Centered at the Origin Example
35. Parabolas
36. Parabola Equation with Vertex at the Origin
37. Diagrams of Previous Page Parabolas
38. Parabola Equation with Vertex (h, k)
39. Polar Coordinate Plane
40. Polar Coordinate System - Plotting Points
41. Multiple Representation of points
42. Coordinate Conversion
43. Examples of Conversion
44. Equation Conversion
45. Polar Equations Graphing
46. Special Graphs – Limaçons
47. Special Graphs - Rose Curves
48. Special Graphs - Circles & Lemniscates
49. About Pre-Calculus
50. Support Page

Even if you dont use Calculus, this app sure is a cool way to show-off some high IQ!

Like all our 'phoneflips', this fast and lightweight application navigates quick, has NO Adverts, NO In-App purchasing, never needs an internet connection and will not take up much space on your phone!

Portrait & Landscape mode supported.

Thank you!

Иконка для Math 2 Guide 1.0

Math 2 Guide (v. 1.0)

phoneflips опубликовал приложение 2012-01-04
(обновлено 2012-01-04)

** Limited Time Special Price - Only 99c ***

Those who ignore Math lose out on many well-paying future career opportunities that demand skills like problem solving, reasoning and solid decision making.

If you want the foundation of this subject at your fingertips in a fun, easy-to-follow format, then this guide is for you!

Math 2 contains over 400 rules, definitions and examples, covering fractions, decimals, ratios, proportions, percent, probability, graphs, square roots, metric conversions and more.

Topics include:

1. Fractions
2. Fractions (continued)
3. Like & Equivalent Fractions
4. Common Denominator
5. Finding the Least Common Multiple (LCM)
6. Comparing Fractions
7. Expressing Fractions in Simplest Form
8. Improper Fractions & Mixed Numbers
9. Adding Like Fractions
10. Adding Unlike Fractions
11. Subtracting Fractions
12. Multiplying Fractions
13. Dividing Fractions
14. Decimal Equivalents for Common Fractions
15. Decimal Equivalents (continued)
16. Ratio
17. Proportion
18. Solving Proportion Problems
19. Percent
20. Solving Percent Problems
21. Percent: Sales Tax, Discount
22. Percent: Commission Rate
23. Percent: Investment Amount
24. Simple Interest
25. Compound Interest
26. Finding the Real Yearly Interest Rate
27. Finding the Real Yearly Interest Rate (continued)
28. Powers of Numbers
29. Square Root
30. Square Root (continued)
31. Square Root of Numbers 1-100
32. Probability
33. Three Kinds of Averages
34. Problem Solving
35. Picture Graphs
36. Bar Graphs
37. Line Graphs
38. Circle Graphs
39. Measurements: Length/Distance
40. Measurements: Weight
41. Measurements: Liquid Capacity
42. Measurements: Dry Capacity
43. Converting Area/Volume
44. Changing Metric Units
45. Conversion Formulas
46. Tables of Measure: Linear/Area/Volume
47. Tables of Measure: Liquids/Dry/Counting
48. Tables of Measure: Time/Circular
49. Tables of Measure: American & British Variances
50. Number Prefixes
51. Number Prefixes (continued)
52. Mathematical Symbols
53. About Math 2
54. Support Page
55. Search Function

With over 5 million hard copies in print we have been making learning interesting and fast for over 20 years, so you can be sure you are getting content that is proven, reliable and bang-on to the point!

For hard copy versions please visit our store at: http://www.flipperguides.com/

Thank you!

Иконка для Pre-Geometry Guide 1.1

Pre-Geometry Guide (v. 1.1)

phoneflips опубликовал приложение 2011-09-22
(обновлено 2011-09-22)

Our fast study guide contains over 300 rules, definitions and examples helping to make this subject easy and fun to learn.   A GREAT mobile reference!  

Every day we use principles of geometry to help guide decision making and now the keys to this important subject can be at your fingertips!  

Geometry sharpens our reasoning, logic and problem solving skills and is one of those subjects we need to know not only to keep up, but to get ahead in the world.  

The hard-copy version of our guide has helped thousands of students get on top and through this often difficult subject, and now you can have the same content at over 85% off the hard-cover price!
Offline Access!   The PG guide can be moved to an SD Card so you’ll have access to the details even when there is not internet connection!

Topics include:

1. Dimensions
2. Points, Lines & Planes
3. Segments & Rays
4. Types of Lines
5. Number Line
6. Coordinate Grid
7. Line Segment Midpoint
8. Absolute Value & Distance
9. Sets

10. Angles
11. Measuring Angles
12. Measuring Angles – Example
13. Types of Angles
14. Pairs of Angles
15. Transversal Cuts
16. Polygons
17. Classifying Polygons
18. Congruent & Similar Figures
19. Names of Triangles
20. Angles of a Triangle
21. Right & Isosceles Triangles
22. Pythagorean Theorem
23. Equilateral and Equiangular Triangles
24. Congruent Triangles

25. Quadrilaterals
26. Parallelograms
27. Rectangles
28. Square
29. Rhombus
30. Trapezoids
31. Circle
32. Solids
33. Prisms
34. Examples of Prisms
35. Cube
36. Pyramid
37. Example of Pyramid
38. Cylinder

40. Cone
41. Sphere
42. Symmetry
43. Perimeter & Area of Polygons
45. Area of Triangle & Circle
46. Area and Volume of Solids
47. Area and Volume of Cube, Rectangular solid
48. Area and Volume of Cylinder, Cone & Sphere
49. Area and Volume of Right Prism and Pyramid

Like all our 'phoneflips', this lightweight application has NO Adverts, never needs an internet connection and won't take up much space on your phone. Portrait & Landscape mode supported.

For hard copy versions please visit our store at: http://www.flipperguides.com/

Thanks for looking!

If you are not 100% happy with your purchase please contact us so we can make it right!

Иконка для Guide de Premiers Secours 1.6

Guide de Premiers Secours (v. 1.6)

phoneflips опубликовал приложение 2011-03-07
(обновлено 2011-03-07)

Guide de Premiers Secours et Soins d’Urgence

Depuis 1980, nous publions des livres dont le contenu est toujours pertinent, concis et direct dans notre gamme « Flipper ». Aujourd’hui nous transposons cette philosophie aux nouvelles technologies et nous sommes fiers de vous présenter nos guides réinventés et complètement mis à jour pour l’iPhone sous la forme de livres électroniques simples à utiliser.

Ce guide est un outil de référence rapidement accessible pour des dizaines d'urgences médicales et il est si complet qu’il vous aidera à répondre à presque n'importe quelle urgence médicale rapidement et correctement.
L'information médicale contenue dans ce guide est basée sur les directives de la Croix-Rouge américaine et autres organismes de santé. Les sujets traités incluent tout ce que vous pouvez vous attendre à trouver dans un guide complet des premiers secours. Il y a même des sections spéciales expliquant la démarche à suivre lorsque la victime est un enfant ou un nourrisson.


1. Comment réagir face à l’urgence?
2. Voies respiratoires / Respiration
3. Etouffement – Adulte
4. Etouffement – Nourrisson
5. Réanimation Cardio-Pulmonaire – Adulte/Enfant
6. Réanimation Cardio-Pulmonaire – Nourrisson
7. Hémorragie
8. Saignements de nez
9. Crise Cardiaque / AVC
10. Crise d’asthme
11. Brûlures
12. Brûlures – Electriques
13. Brûlures - Chimiques
14. Choc
15. Fractures, Entorses et Foulures
16. Attelles
17. Colonne vertébrale / Cervicale / Tête
18. Intoxication
19. Centres Anti-Poison
20. Traumatismes Oculaires
21. Convulsions / Crises
22. Urgences diabétiques
23. Chaleur d’urgence
24. Chaleur d’urgence – Hyperthermie
25. Perte de connaissance
26. Froid
27. Gelures
28. Morsures et Piqûres
29. Morsures et Piqûres (suite)
30. Morsures et Piqûres (suite et fin)
31. Fièvre
32. Traumatisme Dentaires
33. Défribrillateur
34. Noyade
35. Trousse de premiers secours
36. Qui contacter ?
37. Peur et Panique
38. A propos
39. Support

Un guide complet, toujours à votre disposition, où que vous soyez.

Comme tous les produits “phoneflips”, cette application ne contient pas de publicité, est accessible hors ligne et prend très peu de place sur votre iPhone.

Une version papier de ce produit est disponible sur : http://www.flipperguides.com/

Иконка для Punctuation & Capitalization 2.1

Punctuation & Capitalization (v. 2.1)

phoneflips опубликовал приложение 2011-01-16
(обновлено 2012-01-05)

Over 400 examples! Mistakes in grammar or punctuation can be annoying to a reader and quickly draws attention away from what is being written. These types of mistakes cause the reader to focus on the grammar instead of what is being communicated, leads them to question on how well educated the person is, and significantly reduces the impact of your message.

Proper grammar and punctuation not only helps you control the flow of writing, but also helps to accurately and effectively convey your message in the best possible way.

For decades we have been delivering content that is concise, relevant, easy to follow and best of all easy to understand. The 'Punctuation & Capitalization' guide is used by academics, writers, and teachers around the world and is one of the most comprehensive and complete guides available today. Everything you need in one download!

Topics include:

1. Punctuation Marks
2. Periods - Abbreviations
3. Periods - Initials & Outlines
4. Commas - Item Series
5. Commas - Appositive & Direct Address
6. Commas - Introductory Expressions
7. Commas - Introductory Expressions (contd.)
8. Commas - Dependent Clauses
9. Commas - Parenthetical Expressions
10. Commas - Main Clause / Sentence
11. Commas - Parallel Adjectives
12. Commas - Direct Quotations
13. Commas - Certain Parts of Letters
14. Commas - Certain Parts of Letters (contd.)
15. Semicolon - Compound Sentences
16. Semicolon - Transitional Expressions (Conjunctions/Adverbs)
17. Semicolon - Item Series
18. Semicolon - Common Uses
19. Quotation Marks - Direct Quotations
20. Quotation Marks - Indirect Quotations
21. Quotation Marks - Special Sense
22. Quotation Marks - Titles
23. Quotation Marks - Punctuation
24. Quotation Marks - Exclamation
25. Apostrophe – Contractions
26. Apostrophe – Possession
27. Apostrophe – Possession (contd.)
28. Apostrophe – Possession (contd.)
29. Hyphen – Compound Words
30. Hyphen – Compound Words (contd.)
31. Hyphen – Other Uses
32. Dash – Break
33. Dash – Emphasis / Credit
34. Parentheses – Extra Information
35. Parentheses – Numbers / References
36. Capitals – First Words
37. Capitalize – Titles
38. Capitalize – Initials of Persons
39. Capitalize – Group Names
40. Capitalize – Specific Places
41. Capitalize – Courses, Degrees
42. Capitalize – Notable Things
43. Numbers as Words
44. Numbers as Figures
45. Numbers as Figures (contd.)
46. Punctuation Marks Summary

Like all our 'phoneflips', this is a lightweight application that has NO ADS, NEVER needs an internet connection, and won't take up much space on your phone. Portrait & Landscape mode is also supported.

Thank you!

For hard copy versions of this product, or some old-fashioned exercise books at great old-fashioned pricing, visit our store at: http://www.flipperguides.com/

Иконка для Pre-Algebra Guide 4.0

Pre-Algebra Guide (v. 4.0)

phoneflips опубликовал приложение 2010-11-14
(обновлено 2011-08-22)

** A Hard-copy Best-seller **

Well paying careers demand skills like problem solving, reasoning, decision making, and applying solid strategies etc. and Algebra provides you with a wonderful grounding in those skills - not to mention that it can prepare you for a wide range of opportunities.

This is a COMPLETE Pre-Algebra guide to well over 325 rules, definitions and examples, including number line, integers, rational numbers, scientific notation, median, like terms, equations, Pythagorean theorem and much more!

Our guide will take you step-by-step through the basic building blocks of Algebra giving you a solid foundation for further studies in our easy-to-follow and proven format!

Table of Contents

1. Number Line
2. Inequality Symbols
3. Comparing and Ordering
4. Graphs of Real, Integer & Whole Numbers
5. Adding Positive & Negatives
6. Subtracting Numbers & Opposites
7. Multiplying & Dividing Positive & Negatives
8. Properties of Real Numbers
9. Exponents & Properties
10. Order of Operations
11. Divisibility Tests
12. Greatest Common Factor (G.C.F.)
13. Least Common Multiple (L.C.M.)
14. Rational Numbers, Proper, Improper Fractions
15. Reducing Proper & Improper Fractions
16. Adding Fractions
17. Subtracting Fractions
18. Multiplying Fractions
19. Dividing Fractions
20. Adding & Subtracting Decimals
21. Multiplying Decimals
22. Dividing Decimals
23. Fractions to Decimals
24. Decimals to Fractions
25. Rounding Decimals
26. Scientific Notation
27. Percent
28. Percent Problems
29. Averages & Means
30. Medians
31. Mode & Range
32. Variables, Coefficients & Terms, Degrees
33. Like / Unlike Terms
34. Polynomials / Degrees
35. Distributive Property
36. Add/Subtract Polynomials
37. Expression Evaluation
38. Open Sentence / Solutions
39. One-Step Equations
40. Solving ax+b = c Equations
41. Solving ax+b = cx+d Equations
42. Solving a Proportion
43. From Words to Symbols
44. Square Roots / Radical Sign
45. Pythagorean Theorem

Algebra is a very unique discipline. It is very abstract. The abstractness of algebra causes the brain to think in totally new patterns. That thinking process causes the brain to work, much like a muscle. The more that muscle works out, the better it performs on OTHER tasks. In simple terms, algebra builds a better brain! Believe it or not algebra is much easier to learn than many of us think and this guide helps make it easier!

Like all our 'phoneflips', this lightweight application has NO ads, never needs an internet connection and wont take up much space on your phone!

For hard copy versions of this and other great products, please visit: http://www.flipperguides.com/

Иконка для Babysitting Guide 2.4

Babysitting Guide (v. 2.4)

phoneflips опубликовал приложение 2010-11-12
(обновлено 2011-08-16)

** Create your own Job! **

Being a babysitter is without question the ultimate "Role Model" position. Working in a family's home adds a level of responsibility that other jobs may not have. Babysitters have the unique opportunity to positively influence children in their own surroundings.

Everyone has memories of their childhood babysitter. By making your babysitting jobs fun, you will become that unforgettable babysitter in that child's memory.

Our Babysitting guide covers everything needed to provide a professional and complete caregiving service. It offers important safety information and very useful tips for Babysitters, Nannies, other caregivers and parents too. There are even sections covering important basic first aid!

Topics Includes

* Getting Ready
* Getting a Job
* Communicating with Parents
* Ground Rules
* Safety
* Preventing Problems
* Discipline – Rules, Biting, Hitting, Sharing, Losing, Tantrums, Whining
* Separation Anxiety
* Changing Diapers
* Swaddling
* Crying Baby
* Bathing and Bedtime
* Newborns (birth - 6 months) – Playing, Feeding, Bathing, Bedtime
* Older Babies (6 - 12 months) – Playing, Feeding, Bathing, Bedtime
* Toddlers (1 - 3 years) - Feeding, Dressing,  Bathroom, Bathing, Bedtime
* Preschoolers (4 - 6 years) - Feeding, Bathing, Bedtime
* Fun & Games
* Basic First Aid
* Stings and Bites
* Cuts, Scrapes & Heavy Bleeding
* Nosebleeds and Bumps
* Minor Burns and Fever
* Poisoning
* Choking Child
* Choking Infant
* CPR - Child
* CPR – Infant

With over 75,000 hard-copies in print we've been delivering content for years that is reliable, concise and always bang-on to the point.

Having this guide on your phone you will give parents high confidence you are prepared, well organized and will do a great job!

Like all our 'phoneflips', this lightweight application has NO ADS, NO IN-APP Purchases, never needs an internet connection (Offline Access!) and wont take up much space on your phone!

Thank you!

Иконка для New Mom Guide 2.2

New Mom Guide (v. 2.2)

phoneflips опубликовал приложение 2010-07-14
(обновлено 2011-08-09)

Now with even More Content!

Becoming a new mom is truly an amazing time but it can be extremely lonely when you don't have people around that can answer the many questions you have, or relate to all the new things you're going through!

Our New Mom reference guide helps and covers everything you need to know from visiting your doctor, the baby’s doctor, delivery, labor, feeding and the caring of your baby, and more. Its also a great reference for new Dads too!

Also included are guidelines about the baby’s development, trouble signs, tips on baby care, crying, swaddling, when to call the doctor, emergency childbirth procedures and much more!

Based on our best selling 'flipper' reference guide this is a smart guide to have for all new Moms.

Offline Access!  The 'New Mom' reference guide runs local on your device so you wont need an internet connection and content access will always be super quick!

Topics include:

1. Thinking About Getting Pregnant
2. How to Know You’re Pregnant
3. What to do First – Health Care Providers
4. What to do First – Hospital
5. What to do First – More Tips

6. At the Doctor – First Visit
7. Doctor Visit Schedule, Ultrasound
8. Taking Care of Yourself, Kick Counts

9. Body Changes – Faint, Headaches, Gums
10. Body Changes – Breasts, Heartburn
11. Body Changes – Nausea, Discharge
12. Body Changes – Backache, Constipation
13. Body Changes – Fatigue, Stress, Moods
14. Travel and Sex When Pregnant
15. Danger Signs by Trimester

16. Getting Ready for Delivery
17. What to take to the Hospital
18. What you Need at Home

19. Labor and Delivery – Imminent Signs
20. Labor and Delivery – Pain, Stem Cells
21. Labor and Delivery – After Birth

22. Coming Home – Taking Time
23. Coming Home – What to Expect
24. Coming Home – Baby Wrist, Fever
25. Baby Safety – Do’s and Don’ts

26. Feeding - General
27. Feeding - Breast
28. Feeding –Breast Do’s & Don’ts
29. Feeding - Weaning
30. Feeding – Bottle
31. Feeding - Solids
32. Feeding - Choking, Teething

33. Taking Baby for Checkup
34. Changing Baby
35. Swaddling
36. Bellybutton Treatment
37. Dressing/Communicating

38. Medicine Cabinet
39. Sleeping – Cribs, Mattress
40. Sleeping Tips
41. Bathing

42. Hygiene - Nails
43. Hygiene - Teeth
44. Hygiene – Tongue, Sun

45. Development & Play
46. Development & Play – 1-2 Months
47. Development & Play – 3-5 Months
48. Development & Play – 6-8 Months
49. Development & Play – 9-12 Months

50. Traveling - Tips, Summer
51. Traveling - Winter, Car Trips
52. Childproofing
53. Crying – 8 Reasons
54. Crying – Nose, Teething
55. Crying – Earache, Colic

56. Fever
57. Puking
58. Pooping
59. Peeing
60. Keeping Memories

61. Emergencies
62. Emergency Birth – Imminent
63. Emergency Birth – What to Do
64. Emergency Birth – Delivery
65. Emergency Birth – Post Delivery

66. About
67. Support
68. TOC Fast Search

Like all our 'phoneflips', this lightweight application has NO ADVERTS, never needs an internet connection (Offline Access!) and wont take up much space on your Phone!

Landscape & Portrait modes supported!

For hard copy versions of this product please visit http://www.flipperguides.com/

Thank you and congratulations!

Иконка для Disaster Readiness 3.4

Disaster Readiness (v. 3.4)

phoneflips опубликовал приложение 2010-07-04
(обновлено 2013-01-07)

** Get the Universal HD version of this app here and, for a limited time, SAVE over 50% **


As seen on CNN and Reported in USA Today!  

Don't waste time trying to search the internet in a disaster, this must-have app will help you rebound from almost any DISASTER quickly and safely.

Topics cover everything you’d expect from a Disaster Readiness guide and includes sections on how to make your own Disaster Supplies Kit, how to re-charge your phone when there is no electricity, how to purify water and even where to get pills to protect yourself from nuclear radiation!  

With over 175,000 quick reference guides in print there's no doubt we've been delivering content that is  relevant, summarized, and bang on to-the-point.  Now this great content is available for your phone!

** Offline Access **
In a disaster there will always be a chance wireless communications and/or the internet will be unavailable. Googling wont be possible.  By having this content local on your phone means it will be available whenever and wherever you need it.  

The Disaster Readiness Guide is an app we hope you’ll never need, but when you need it, you’ll need it bad.  Disasters hit when you least expect it, grab your copy now!

Thank you

Иконка для Emergency First Aid Guide Demo 1.0

Emergency First Aid Guide Demo (v. 1.0)

phoneflips опубликовал приложение 2010-06-25
(обновлено 2010-06-25)

This valuable guide gives you piece-of-mind to handle almost ANY medical emergency quickly & correctly. Topics include everything you would expect from a complete first aid & treatment guide. There are even special sections covering what to do for infant/child emergencies. Since 1970 thousands of hard-copies have been sold!

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