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Иконка для CIA World Factbook 2011 17.1

CIA World Factbook 2011 (v. 17.1)

MobileReference опубликовал приложение 2012-07-06
(обновлено 2012-07-06)

The CIA World Factbook is a reference resource produced by the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States with almanac-style information about the countries of the world. It provides a summary of the demographics, geography, communications, government, economy, and military of the most of the countries in the world.

Иконка для Faith's Checkbook 1.0

Faith's Checkbook (v. 1.0)

MobileReference опубликовал приложение 2011-12-29
(обновлено 2011-12-29)

This is an electronic edition of the complete book complemented by author biography. This book features the table of contents linked to every chapter. The book was designed for optimal navigation on Android.

Иконка для Freedom of the Will 1.0

Freedom of the Will (v. 1.0)

MobileReference опубликовал приложение 2011-12-29
(обновлено 2011-12-29)

This is an electronic edition of the complete book complemented by author biography. This book features the table of contents linked to every part and chapter. The book was designed for optimal navigation on Android.

Иконка для The Golden Bough 1.0

The Golden Bough (v. 1.0)

MobileReference опубликовал приложение 2011-12-29
(обновлено 2011-12-29)

Before Joseph Campbell became the world's most famous practitioner of comparative mythology, there was Sir James George Frazer. The Golden Bough was originally published in two volumes in 1890, but Frazer became so enamored of his topic that over the next few decades he expanded the work sixfold, then in 1922 cut it all down to a single thick edition suitable for mass distribution. The thesis on the origins of magic and religion that it elaborates "will be long and laborious," Frazer warns readers, "but may possess something of the charm of a voyage of discovery, in which we shall visit many strange lands, with strange foreign peoples, and still stranger customs." Chief among those customs--at least as the book is remembered in the popular imagination--is the sacrificial killing of god-kings to ensure bountiful harvests, which Frazer traces through several cultures, including in his elaborations the myths of Adonis, Osiris, and Balder.
While highly influential in its day, The Golden Bough has come under harsh critical scrutiny in subsequent decades, with many of its descriptions of regional folklore and legends deemed less than reliable. Furthermore, much of its tone is rooted in a philosophy of social Darwinism--sheer cultural imperialism, really--that finds its most explicit form in Frazer's rhetorical question: "If in the most backward state of human society now known to us we find magic thus conspicuously present and religion conspicuously absent, may we not reasonably conjecture that the civilised races of the world have also at some period of their history passed through a similar intellectual phase?" (The truly civilized races, he goes on to say later, though not particularly loudly, are the ones whose minds evolve beyond religious belief to embrace the rational structures of scientific thought.) Frazer was much too genteel to state plainly that "primitive" races believe in magic because they are too stupid and backwards to know any better; instead he remarks that "a savage hardly conceives the distinction commonly drawn by more advanced peoples between the natural and the supernatural." And he certainly was not about to make explicit the logical extension of his theories--"that Christian legend, dogma, and ritual" (to quote Robert Graves's summation of Frazer in The White Goddess) "are the refinement of a great body of primitive and barbarous beliefs." Whatever modern readers have come to think of the book, however, its historical significance and the eloquence with which Frazer attempts to develop what one might call a unifying theory of anthropology cannot be denied. --Ron Hogan

Nature One of the greatest books. -- Review

Иконка для Fear and Trembling 1.0

Fear and Trembling (v. 1.0)

MobileReference опубликовал приложение 2011-12-29
(обновлено 2011-12-29)

Translated by Lee Milton Hollander
The version is taken from Selections from the writings of Kierkegaard published in 1923, and represents only a third of the whole "Fear and Trembling."
Fear and Trembling is an influential philosophical work by Soren Kierkegaard, published in 1843 under the pseudonym Johannes de Silentio (John the Silent). The title is a reference to a line from Philippians 2:12, "..continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling."- Excerpted from Fear and Trembling on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Иконка для Autobiography by Jefferson 1.0

Autobiography by Jefferson (v. 1.0)

MobileReference опубликовал приложение 2011-12-29
(обновлено 2011-12-29)

This is an electronic edition of the complete book complemented by author biography. This book features the table of contents linked to every part. The book was designed for optimal navigation on Android.

Иконка для Works of August Strindberg 1.0

Works of August Strindberg (v. 1.0)

MobileReference опубликовал приложение 2011-12-29
(обновлено 2011-12-29)

Translated by Edwin Björkman, Edith and Wärner Oland, Claud Field, Velma Swanston Howard and Graham Rowson
This collection was designed for optimal navigation on Android. It is indexed alphabetically, making it easier to access individual books, plays and acts. This collection offers lower price, the convenience of a one-time download, and it reduces the clutter in your digital library. All books included in this collection feature a hyperlinked table of contents and footnotes. The collection is complimented by an author biography.

Table of Contents
Comrades, translated by Edith and Wärner Oland
Creditors, translated by Edwin Björkman
Easter, translated by Edith and Wärner Oland
Facing Death, translated by Edith and Wärner Oland
The Father, translated by Edith and Wärner Oland
Historical Miniatures, translated by Claud Field, M.A.
Lucky Pehr, translated by Velma Swanston Howard
Master Olof, translated by Edwin Björkman
Miss Julia, translated by Edwin Björkman
The Outlaw, translated by Edith and Wärner Oland
Pariah, translated by Edwin Björkman
The Road to Damascus (A Trilogy) 1902, translated by Graham Rowson
The Stronger, translated by Edwin Björkman
There are Crimes and Crimes, translated by Edwin Björkman
August Strindberg Biography

Иконка для The Arabian Nights Entertainme 1.0

The Arabian Nights Entertainme (v. 1.0)

MobileReference опубликовал приложение 2011-12-20
(обновлено 2011-12-20)

One Thousand and One Nights is a collection of folk tales and other stories. It is often known in English as the Arabian Nights, from the first English language edition (1706), which rendered the title as The Arabian Nights' Entertainment

— Excerpted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Иконка для Jokes For All Occasions 1.0

Jokes For All Occasions (v. 1.0)

MobileReference опубликовал приложение 2011-12-16
(обновлено 2011-12-16)

Over one thousand jokes collected and organized by topic by by Edward J. Clode and hyperlinked by MobileReference for maximum loughter. Here are a few examples:


The man of the house finally took all the disabled umbrellas to the repairer's. Next morning on his way to his office, when he got up to leave the street car, he absentmindedly laid hold of the umbrella belonging to a woman beside him, for he was in the habit of carrying one. The woman cried "Stop thief!" rescued her umbrella and covered the man with Shame and Confusion. That same day, he stopped at the repairer's, and received all eight of his umbrellas duly restored. As he entered a street car, with the unwrapped umbrellas tucked under his arm, he was horrified to behold glaring at him the lady of his morning adventure. Her voice came to him charged with a withering scorn: "Huh! Had a good day, didn't you!"

*         *         *

The absentminded inventor perfected a parachute device. He was taken up in a balloon to make a test of the apparatus. Arrived at a height of a thousand feet, he climbed over the edge of the basket, and dropped out. He had fallen two hundred yards when he remarked to himself, in a tone of deep regret: "Dear me! I've gone and forgotten my umbrella."

*         *         *

The professor, who was famous for the wool-gathering of his wits, returned home, and had his ring at the door answered by a new maid. The girl looked at him inquiringly: "Um—ah—is Professor Johnson at home?" he asked, naming himself. "No, sir," the maid replied, "but he is expected any moment now." The professor turned away, the girl closed the door. Then the poor man sat down on the steps to wait for himself.

*         *         *

The clergyman, absorbed in thinking out a sermon, rounded a turn in the path and bumped into a cow. He swept off his hat with a flourish, exclaiming: "I beg your pardon, madam." Then he observed his error, and was greatly chagrined. Soon, however, again engaged with thoughts of the sermon, he collided with a lady at another bend of the path. "Get out of the way, you brute!" he said.

*         *         *

The most absent-minded of clergymen was a Methodist minister who served several churches each Sunday, riding from one to another on horseback. One Sunday morning he went to the stable while still meditating on his sermon and attempted to saddle the horse. After a long period of toil, he aroused to the fact that he had put the saddle on himself, and had spent a full half hour in vain efforts to climb on his own back.

Иконка для Obras de Miguel de Unamuno 1.0

Obras de Miguel de Unamuno (v. 1.0)

MobileReference опубликовал приложение 2011-12-16
(обновлено 2011-12-16)

This collection was designed for optimal navigation on Kindle and other electronic devices. It is indexed alphabetically, chronologically and by category, making it easier to access individual books, stories and poems. This collection offers lower price, the convenience of a one-time download, and it reduces the clutter in your digital library. All books included in this collection feature a hyperlinked table of contents and footnotes. The collection is complimented by an author biography.

Niebla (1914)
Abel Sánchez (1917)
La tía Tula (1921)
Cómo se hace una novela (1927)

Rosario de sonetos líricos (1911, incluye 128 sonetos)
Por orden alfabético
Blas, el bobo (Blas, el bobo de la aldea)
Castilla (Tú me levantas, tierra de Castilla,)
El armador aquel (El armador aquel de casas rústicas)
El cuerpo canta
El mar de encinas (En este mar de encinas castellano)
En un cementerio de lugar castellano (Corral de muertos, entre pobres tapias,)
Habla, que lo quiere el niño
Incidente doméstico (Traza la niña toscos garrapatos)
La luna y la rosa (En el silencio estrellado)
Madre, llévame a la cama
Me destierro (Me destierro a la memoria)
Ofelia de Dinamarca (Rosa de nube de carne)
Oh, Señor, tú que sufres del mundo (Salmo III)
Qué es tu vida (¿Qué es tu vida, alma mía?, ¿cuál tu pago?,)
Sombra de humo (¡Sombra de humo cruza el prado!)
Vendrá de noche (Vendrá de noche cuando todo duerma,)
Y ¿qué es eso? (Y ¿qué es eso del Infierno?)

De Fuerteventura a París (1925) (A un hijo de españoles arropamos)
De vuelta a casa (Desde mi cielo a despedirme llegas)
Es una antorcha (Es una antorcha al aire esta palmera,)
Horas serenas (Horas serenas del ocaso breve,)
La estrella polar (Luciérnaga celeste, humilde estrella)
La mar ciñe (La mar ciñe a la noche en su regazo)
La sangre de mi espíritu (La sangre de mi espíritu es mi lengua)
Muerte (Eres sueño de un dios; cuando despierte)
Noche de luna llena (Noche blanca en que el agua cristalina)

Cuando duerme una madre junto al niño
Por qué esos lirios que los hielos matan

El porvenir de España (publicado en 1912, en base a 4 cartas publicadas en "El Defensor de Granada" en 1898)
Mi religión
Verdad y vida

Individuo y Estado (1931)
Estamos haciendo la Revolución (1933)

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