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Приложения разработчика matto в Android Market

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1-5 из 5
Иконка для Memory game contest 1.0

Memory game contest (v. 1.0)

matto опубликовал приложение 2012-10-22
(обновлено 2012-10-22)

This is a memory card game called Memory game contest. The main purpose of the game is to discover all pairs in the grid.

The game is good for children for training cognitive and memory skills, but adults may find it interesting as well.

There are two game modes: Classic and Time challenge.

To win the classic mode you have to find all the pairs of cards in as little moves as possible. If more players finish with the same quantity of moves, the winner is the player that finishes the game fastest.

In Time challenge mode the number of moves is not important.
The only things that matters is time, which is measured to one milisecond accurate. Whoever finds all pairs fastest wins the game.

You can check how well you did on the Online scoreboard, where you can find the results of all players that ever played the game and uploaded their results.

Have fun playing Memory contest!

Иконка для Quick audio settings 1.0.2

Quick audio settings (v. 1.0.2)

matto опубликовал приложение 2012-09-08
(обновлено 2012-09-08)

Application Quick audio settings helps us to quickly and easily manage audio settings.

If you would like to set your audio profile settings(Nokia style) right on your home screen widget, then it is an application you need.

-Home screen widget
-switch between ringer modes(Normal, Vibrate, Silent)
-Mute and unmute your phone
-Vibrate or not
-adjust ringtone volume
-detailed notification settings

We can switch between:

We are able to change settings for NOTIFICATIONS, RINGER or both.

The included widget can switch between 4 basic settings(audio profiles) for NOTIFICATIONS and RINGER. If we want to go into details there is a button which opens main app.

Keywords: Audio profile manager, Audio volume settings, volume control.

Иконка для Rumene strani 1.0.1

Rumene strani (v. 1.0.1)

matto опубликовал приложение 2012-08-10
(обновлено 2012-08-10)


*Aplikacija "Rumene strani" s pomočjo spleta poišče telefonsko številko podjetja, ki jo potrebujemo.
*V osnovi je telefonski imenik.
*Povsem brezplačno lahko tako najdemo priljubljeno picerijo, gostilno, dostavo, trgovino ali katerokoli drugo podjetje, ki ga nimamo v imeniku.
*Iščemo lahko po imenu, ter kraju.
*Ko številko najdemo lahko kontakt pokličemo ni si ga po želji shranimo v imenik.
*Pridobimo podatke o nazivu, naslovu, stacionarni, mobilni in faks številki, v kolikor so ti na voljo.

Za delovanje je potreben dostop do internet, prav tako aplikacija potrebuje dostop do imenika, da lahko vanj shranjuje kontakte.

V kolikor vam aplikacija kaj nagaja(razen tega da ne najde kakšnega zadetka), mi prosim sporočite na mail.

Application "Rumene strani" is for users in Slovenia only. It help you search phone numbers for companies in Slovenia. It is in Slovenian language.

Иконка для Local weather 1.0.8

Local weather (v. 1.0.8)

matto опубликовал приложение 2012-06-04
(обновлено 2014-04-27)

The application "Local weather" gives you the overview of the weather data. You can select locations from all countries in the world. You can check out current weather information as well as a weakly weather forcast. The application gives you data about temperature, cloudiness, speed and direction of wind, and probability of precipitation. You can choose between °C and °F for temperature and mph and km/h for wind speed. Locations you are interested in can be added as bookmarks. For the application to work, a network connection is required.

Иконка для Vremenska napoved 1.3

Vremenska napoved (v. 1.3)

matto опубликовал приложение 2011-12-21
(обновлено 2011-12-21)

Aplikacija “Vremenska napoved” nam omogoča pregled nad vremenskimi podatki za Slovenijo. Izbiramo lahko med okoli 200 kraji. Za vsak kraj so nam na voljo trenutne informacije o vremenu ter vremenska napoved za celoten teden. Še posebej natančno lahko vidimo kakšno bo vreme danes in jutri, saj nam prikaže podatke za ponoči, zjutraj, popoldne in zvečer. Aplikacija nam nudi podatke o temperaturi, oblačnosti, hitrosti in smeri vetra ter verjetnosti padavin. Za delovanje je potrebna podatkovna povezava. Ker se vreme spreminja, so tudi podatki osveženi vsako uro.

Description ENG:

The application “Vremenska napoved” gives us the overview of weather data for Slovenia. We can choose from around 200 locations across Slovenia. There is current weather information, as well as a weakly weather forcast. The application gives us data about temperature, cloudiness, speed and direction of wind and probability of precipitation. For the application to work, a network connection is required.

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