Последние обновлённые бесплатные в категории 'Погода' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
81-90 из 515
Иконка для Allergiehelfer 1.2.2

Allergiehelfer (v. 1.2.2)

Monks Vertriebs GmbH опубликовал приложение 2011-08-02
(обновлено 2013-04-21)

Mit dem Allergie-Helfer haben Sie die aktuelle Luftbelastung durch Pollen, UV, Ozon und Feinstaub immer top im Blick - auf Ihrem Android Smartphone!

Suchen Sie nach Ihrem aktuellen Standort per GPS oder nach einer Stadt durch Eingabe der PLZ oder des Städtenamens.

Die für Sie relevanten Allergieauslöser und wichtigen Städte legen Sie dabei einfach individuell fest. Zusätzlich zum Pollenflug können Sie sich über die verschiedenen Pollenarten informieren.

Diese App ist optimal bei Heuschnupfen (allergische Rhinitis) und bei allergischem Asthma zur Vorbereitung auf eventuell auftretende Symptome.

Alle Funktionen auf einen Blick:

* Aktuelle Pollenbelastung für die 14 wichtigsten Pollenarten sowie UV-, Ozon- und Feinstaubwerte
* 2-Tages-Voraussage
* Bis zu 8 mal täglich aktualisierte Werte
* Automatische Standortbestimmung per GPS
* Deutschlandweite Suche nach PLZ und Städtenamen
* Festlegen von Favoriten (z.B. für den Ausflugsort)
* Festlegen der persönlich relevanten Auslöser unter Einstellungen
* Informationen zu den 14 Pollenarten
* Weitere Informationen zum Thema Heuschnupfen und Allergie auf www.allergie-helfer.de in der App abrufen
* Einfache und intuitive Bedienung

Einfach herunterladen und selbst ausprobieren!

Иконка для El Temps 2.3.1

El Temps (v. 2.3.1)

lujop опубликовал приложение 2011-07-31
(обновлено 2013-04-17)

El Temps t'ofereix informació meteorològica de Catalunya i Països Catalans acurada i de qualitat amb:
- Prediccions meteorològiques a 3 dies vista
- Radar de pluges
- Informació temperatures, vent, pluges acumulades, imatges satel·lit, onatge, llamps, ...
- Observacions en "temps real" a través d'estacions Meteoclimàtic.

El Temps també et permet posar un widget a la pantalla d'inici per tenir sempre a vista la predicció i temperatura dels pobles dels Països Catalans que vulguis.

Tota la informació meteorològica de El Temps es basa amb dades obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya, el Meteocat, l'AEMET i Meteoclimàtic.

Si tens algun problema o suggeriment estaré encantat d'ajudar-te. Envia'm un mail o contacta per alguna de les xarxes socials que trobaràs a la pestanya de Sobre.

El Tiempo te ofrece la información meteorológica de Catalunya y els Països Catalans de forma fiable con:

- Predicciones meteorológicas a 3 dias vista.
- Radar de lluvia
- Información de temperaturas, viento, lluvia acumulada, imagenes satélite, onaje, temporal eléctrico,...
- Observaciones en "tiempo real" a través d'estaciones Meteoclimátic.

Иконка для ウェザーインフォメーション 3.0

ウェザーインフォメーション (v. 3.0)

SunnySpot опубликовал приложение 2011-07-29
(обновлено 2013-04-15)

Sunny Spot Inc.が提供する無料の全国天気予報アプリケーションです。

【Ver3.0 追加機能】

【Ver2.0 追加機能】


Иконка для KFYR-TV WX 2.4

KFYR-TV WX (v. 2.4)

WSI Corporation опубликовал приложение 2011-07-14
(обновлено 2013-03-21)

KFYR-TV is proud to announce a full featured weather app for Android.


• Highly responsive interactive map optimized for 3G and WiFi performance
• Vertical and horizontal map display with looping
• NOWrad, the gold standard for radar in the weather industry
• Highest resolution satellite cloud imagery available
• Exclusive patent pending Road Weather Index
• Color coded weather alerts arranged by severity
• Fully integrated GPS for current location awareness
• Integrated compass overlay
• Most accurate 10 day forecasts with both daily and hourly detail
• Ability to easily save your favorite locations
• Full featured and user tested
• Weather Widget for unlock page
• Earthquake Plotting
• Storm Track Plotting
• Tropical Track Plotting
• Status bar alert acknowledgement
• Alerts over map on/off switch in settings
• Additional Small Widget
• Widget Configuration (Daily or Hourly view)
• Watch/Warning (Alert) boxes on map.
• Spanish language support; NOTE: Language used in the app will reflect the overall language being used for the device
• Ability to acknowledge Alerts from within the app
• Audio, LED, and vibrate for Alert Notifications
• Feature tips to help users more fully take advantage of app features
• User controllable alerts - Allow the selection of all alerts or just critical alerts
• Single activity scrolling menu

Иконка для KSPRweather 2.5

KSPRweather (v. 2.5)

WSI Corporation опубликовал приложение 2011-07-14
(обновлено 2013-03-20)

KSPR-TV 33 is proud to announce a full featured weather app for Android.


• Highly responsive interactive map optimized for 3G and WiFi performance
• Vertical and horizontal map display with looping
• NOWrad, the gold standard for radar in the weather industry
• Highest resolution satellite cloud imagery available
• Exclusive patent pending Road Weather Index
• Color coded weather alerts arranged by severity
• Fully integrated GPS for current location awareness
• Integrated compass overlay
• Most accurate 10 day forecasts with both daily and hourly detail
• Ability to easily save your favorite locations
• Full featured and user tested
• Weather Widget for unlock page
• Earthquake Plotting
• Storm Track Plotting
• Tropical Track Plotting
• Status bar alert acknowledgement
• Alerts over map on/off switch in settings
• Additional Small Widget
• Widget Configuration (Daily or Hourly view)
• Watch/Warning (Alert) boxes on map.
• Spanish language support; NOTE: Language used in the app will reflect the overall language being used for the device
• Ability to acknowledge Alerts from within the app
• Audio, LED, and vibrate for Alert Notifications
• Feature tips to help users more fully take advantage of app features
• User controllable alerts - Allow the selection of all alerts or just critical alerts
• Single activity scrolling menu

Иконка для WDAM 7 Hattiesburg Weather 2.4

WDAM 7 Hattiesburg Weather (v. 2.4)

Raycom Media, Inc опубликовал приложение 2011-07-12
(обновлено 2013-03-17)

Get the power of Seven on Your Side for Mississippi weather. Download our local weather app, WDAM Weather Now, right to your android phone!
The local forecast, radar, and current weather conditions for Mississippi are all within this app, including Hattiesburg, Laurel, Petal, Columbia, Purvis and the rest of the WDAM Channel 7 viewing area.


• Highly responsive interactive map optimized for 3G and WiFi performance
• Vertical and horizontal map display with looping
• NOWrad, the gold standard for radar in the weather industry
• Highest resolution satellite cloud imagery available
• Exclusive patent pending Road Weather Index
• Color coded weather alerts arranged by severity
• Fully integrated GPS for current location awareness
• Integrated compass overlay
• Most accurate 10 day forecasts with both daily and hourly detail
• Ability to easily save your favorite locations
• Full featured and user tested
• Weather Widget for unlock page
• Earthquake Plotting
• Storm Track Plotting
• Tropical Track Plotting
• Status bar alert acknowledgement
• Alerts over map on/off switch in settings
• Additional Small Widget
• Widget Configuration (Daily or Hourly view)
• Watch/Warning (Alert) boxes on map.
• Spanish language support; NOTE: Language used in the app will reflect the overall language being used for the device
• Ability to acknowledge Alerts from within the app
• Audio, LED, and vibrate for Alert Notifications
• Feature tips to help users more fully take advantage of app features

Иконка для Action News 5 Memphis Weather 2.4

Action News 5 Memphis Weather (v. 2.4)

Raycom Media, Inc опубликовал приложение 2011-07-09
(обновлено 2013-03-12)

Get the power of WMC Action News for Mid-South weather. Download our local weather app, StormTrack5, right to your Android phone!

The local forecast, radar, and current weather conditions for Tennessee, Mississippi, and Arkansas are all within this app, including Memphis, Bartlett, Germantown, Tunica, Forrest City, Holly Springs, Oxford, Brownsville and the rest of the WMC-TV viewing area.


• Live radar
• Storm tracking
• Severe weather alerts
• Current temperatures
• Hour by Hour
• Station Doppler updates
• Multi day forecast, hourly forecasts
• Vertical and horizontal map display with looping
• Color coded weather alerts arranged by severity
• Fully integrated GPS for current location awareness
• Ability to easily save your favorite locations
• Earthquake plotting
• Storm Track Plotting
• Tropical Track Plotting
• Status bar alert acknowledgement
• Alerts over map on/off switch in settings
• Additional Small Widget
• Widget Configuration (Daily or Hourly view)
• Watch/Warning (Alert) boxes on map.
• Spanish language support; NOTE: Language used in the app will reflect the overall language being used for the device
• Ability to acknowledge Alerts from within the app
• Audio, LED, and vibrate for Alert Notifications
• Feature tips to help users more fully take advantage of app features

Иконка для Aurora Buddy 1.5.0

Aurora Buddy (v. 1.5.0)

combatdave опубликовал приложение 2011-07-08
(обновлено 2013-03-09)

The most feature complete northern lights app for Android!


This app gives you updates and alerts for the short-term Aurora Borealis (and Aurora Australis) forecast from the University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute. Great for knowing when to get outside to see the northern lights.

You can also view the most recent satellite data for both the North and South poles, as well as the most recent short term predictions on a map for 5 areas:

North America
North Polar
South Polar

(Do a long press on the image to select.)

Ideas and requests for features which you would like to see in the app should be either emailed to me, or left in the comments. Thanks!

Иконка для Wind Dummy 3.1

Wind Dummy (v. 3.1)

Superliminal Software опубликовал приложение 2011-07-05
(обновлено 2013-03-05)

Perfect for all wind sports including flying, paragliding, hanggliding and kiteboarding. WindDummy displays the current wind speed and wind direction for any of 17,000 weather stations worldwide.

***IMPORTANT***: This is a widget and will not show up in your app drawer so please do not down-vote before following these instructions: After installing, you must place one or more instances on your home screen or other screen. On older Android devices, long-press the location where you want it, and then from the pop-up that appears, navigate to the bottom of the widget list and click on Wind Dummy. On newer devices, look under the "widget" tab at the top of your apps list.

Once placed on a screen, you can configure each widget separately to display data for any of over 17,000 weather stations in the Weather Underground network. To find your best stations, zoom into the global map here: http://www.wunderground.com/wundermap/then tap a WindDummy widget, enter the station ID, click OK and you should be good to go!

WARNING: The author does not guarantee the accuracy of the data presented by this software or the utility of the software for any purpose. The software may contain bugs or other problems. Don't use this tool for hazardous activities. Use at your own risk.

Иконка для Weather for France 1.18

Weather for France (v. 1.18)

ID Mobile SA опубликовал приложение 2013-01-28
(обновлено 2013-01-28)

Find quickly and easily every day the weather forecast LIVE for France supervised 24/24 by weather forecasters French experts updated up to 10X a day!  

- Weather forecast for the morning / afternoon / evening
- Value of forecast reliability
- Probability of sunshine and precipitations
- Perceived temperature
- Average, mimimum and maximum temparature
- Wind force, wind direction, gust force
- Limit of snowfall
- Limit zero degrees
- Fog

tags:Weather,France,forecast,time,rain,sun,wind,snow,fog,cold,hot,temperature, mogo.ch, source: meteonews

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