Spank The Monkey в Android Market

Icon for Spank The Monkey 1.2.1 Spank The Monkey (v. 1.2.1)
Разработано Stellar Computer Systems

It's Spank The Monkey!

Test your skills at everyone's favorite pasttime: Spanking the Monkey.  It's free to play, so spank it with us.  Now with multiple game modes!

How hard can you spank it?

(Supports apps to SD)

About / Gameplay: This is a throwback to the similar old flash game that took the internet by storm.  Simply use your finger to slide the hand to smack the monkey.  Coming soon are updates to see how far you can spank it, spanking it with accuracy, and spanking away flying monkeys.

::::: This app is intended as a comedic relief application only and contains NO adult content.  It is not intended to be taken seriously and does not accurately represent the speed your swiped your finger in the real world.  It's an over-inflated calculated speed based on the speed you swiped to emphasize the implied humor. If you find the humor in it, we've served our purpose, if not, we did not intend to offend.  Thank you. ::::::


Категория: Казуальные
Закачек: 50000-250000
Размер: 1.9 MB
Опубликовано: 2011-04-04
Обновлено: 2014-09-10

Официальный сайт:

Баркод для Spank The Monkey
Воспользуйтесь сканером штрихкодов для быстрой установки этого приложения на ваш телефон!
Права доступа: 8 (показать/скрыть полный список)

Системное имя пакета: com.MonkeySpank

Видео и снимки экрана

Снимок экрана spank-the-monkey_00001
Снимок экрана spank-the-monkey_00001

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для Spank The Monkey

[2013-09-24] A Google User:
Lame Seriously LAME! dear gamers, i recommend you guys not to's waste of your time
[2013-07-15] A Google User:
Its gold im tryn to find, he best spanking game ever and its this for tablet
[2013-05-18] A Google User:
Great Game Whats up with some of these guys giving these bad reviews.. "lame"... What the heck did you expect from a free game called spank the monkey. Does what it says, sees how fast you can spank the monkey.
[2013-02-23] A Google User:
Wtf Doesn't even download.
[2012-11-23] A Google User:
Lame Inaccurate and boring. Uninstalled.
[2012-11-15] A Google User:
Rhine classic Only got this cos it reminded me of all days. Ruined it cos it don't have the song and the awards seem to be active when you sign up
[2012-11-05] A Google User:
Force Close
[2012-11-04] A Google User:
Makes my phone crash every time
[2012-10-21] A Google User:
Sucks works better on computer way to slow just to load when u open it don't download
[2012-10-14] A Google User:
Sucks dont download :-(
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