ShowOff в Android Market

Icon for ShowOff 1.3.1 ShowOff (v. 1.3.1)
Разработано Use.Less

ShowOff will show the current battery level as a notification as well as an optional estimate about the remaining running time (current or historic).
It's the smallest app in the market for this purpose (<25k), it's tiny, lightweight and has a small memory and processor footprint.

- Shows Battery level or remaining hours in notification, so the info can be seen without unlocking the screen.
- Can be made to startup at boot automatically.
- Optional "live countdown" to reduce calculated estimated by actual running time since the last level change.
- Estimated remaining time can be "historic" (average estimate over a long period of time - will need some time to calibrate) or "current" (will show you how long your battery will last, if you keep playing Angry Birds :).
- Features three icons (green / yellow / red), percent levels when to switch to yellow and red can be set.
- Contains two icon-sets, one dark, one light (especially for HTC Sense).
- Optional alarm-sound when certain percent is reached (once or repeating after every further percent change).
- Optional alarm-sound when battery is fully charged.
- Also shows battery status, temperature and health in notification.
- Shows the elapsed time since unplugged.

If you need fancy colors, great icons or other mumbo-jumbo, don't use this app, there are others way more colorful (and a lot bigger).

Note: If you use "Advanced Task Manager" and it kills ShowOff even though it's in the exclude list, make sure, you exclude the app ("ShowOff") as well as the service ("SOService"). (This is an ATM-issue, I can't do anything about.)

Note: If you show the remaining hours in the notification (number in red bubble), the number won't show if the hours reach "0". This is an Android-limitation.

If you have problems/FC, send me your logs (e.g. with "Log Collector") so I can fix it. There's no possibility to answer to comments in the market.


Категория: Инструменты
Закачек: 10000-50000
Размер: 24.7 KB
Опубликовано: 2011-07-06
Обновлено: 2011-07-06

Официальный сайт:

Баркод для ShowOff
Воспользуйтесь сканером штрихкодов для быстрой установки этого приложения на ваш телефон!
Права доступа: 0 (показать/скрыть полный список)

Системное имя пакета: com.beehave.showoff

Видео и снимки экрана

Снимок экрана showoff_00001

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для ShowOff

[2012-01-03] A Google User:
FC while already closed. Moto i1. Uninstalled
[2011-08-30] A Google User:
Cool, but would like to hide the icon in statusbar.sgt2.3.3
[2011-07-04] A Google User:
I cant even open it up because it force closes.backflip
[2011-06-05] A Google User:
Would b 1 of best battery apps, but doesnt update percentage correctly. Have 2 open setting sometimes 2 get it 2 update. HTC Dream.
[2011-05-09] A Google User:
It might be the smallest app, but the showoff service is 13 effective megabytes. Too ugly to even give it a chance. I just want time estimate.
[2011-05-09] Austin:
It might be the smallest app, but the showoff service is 13 effective megabytes. Too ugly to even give it a chance. I just want time estimate.
[2011-04-22] A Google User:
[2011-04-22] kayla:
[2011-04-21] A Google User:
[2011-04-21] Brent:
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