AutoAP (Auto AP on Wifi) в Android Market

Icon for AutoAP (Auto AP on Wifi) 1.0.3 AutoAP (Auto AP on Wifi) (v. 1.0.3)
Разработано Daniel Velazco

** Warning: This will NOT work on Android 4.2 and up. Google has removed the ability for 3rd party applications to toggle airplane mode. **

Battery-friendly background app that will automatically enable Airplane Mode when successfully connected to a Wifi network.

Useful for users that have a VoIP application on their phone that works on Wifi.

Will respect a current phone call and queue itself up to activate AP mode after hanging up the call.


Категория: Инструменты
Закачек: 10000-50000
Размер: 36.1 KB
Опубликовано: 2010-12-26
Обновлено: 2013-11-14

Официальный сайт:

Баркод для AutoAP (Auto AP on Wifi)
Воспользуйтесь сканером штрихкодов для быстрой установки этого приложения на ваш телефон!
Права доступа: 7 (показать/скрыть полный список)

Системное имя пакета: net.geekherd.autoap

Видео и снимки экрана

Снимок экрана autoap-auto-ap-on-wifi
Снимок экрана autoap-auto-ap-on-wifi

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для AutoAP (Auto AP on Wifi)

[2013-08-30] A Google User:
010543702 Hi
[2013-05-10] A Google User:
wifi i want it on
[2012-12-21] A Google User:
Does exactly what I need it to do Perfect for integration with GrooveIP. Automatically goes into airplane mode when I'm home (saving additional battery because it's not looking for a cell signal) and changes back to cell service when I'm out!
[2012-12-18] A Google User:
Was great Fantastic app but doesn't work after updating to android 4.2. Not AutoAP's fault though, Google changed android OS so apps like this don't work. Would be nice if you could offer a rooted version though, I'd even pay for that 'pro' version. Secure Settings + Tasker can get it done if you have root, but it's a pain having to setup up Tasker.
[2012-12-13] A Google User:
Broken on 4.2 Please fix this for 4.2!
[2012-12-12] A Google User:
Great but... Doesn't work anymore for me on my Nexus 4. 4.2's fault?
[2012-12-10] A Google User:
Good idea and good app. Doesn't work with job though I think Google removed the ability to go on air plane mode programmatically. So the app no longer works.
[2012-12-09] A Google User:
Would be awesome if it could keep Bluetooth up Works great, my only complaint is there's no option to also keep Bluetooth up and running.
[2012-12-08] A Google User:
Doesn't work Android 4.2 Doesn't seem to work on Android 4.2... though everyone says it's awesome otherwise.
[2012-11-30] A Google User:
Great Battery Saver! I love the GrooveIP integration! That feature works really well for me in buildings were I have WiFi but no cell service. I wish I'd have known about this app before!
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