USA TODAY for Phone в Android Market

Icon for USA TODAY for Phone 1.7.1 USA TODAY for Phone (v. 1.7.1)
Разработано USA TODAY

The latest news, scores, weather and photos you've come to expect from USA TODAY for your Android device. Staying informed on the go has never been this quick, easy, or enjoyable.



Категория: Новости и погода
Закачек: >250000
Размер: 2.3 MB
Опубликовано: 2010-05-23
Обновлено: 2011-07-02

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Права доступа: 7 (показать/скрыть полный список)

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Снимок экрана usa-today
Снимок экрана usa-today

Обзоры USA TODAY for Phone

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для USA TODAY for Phone

[2011-06-02] Carol:
Loved it until the upgrade... ...Now force closing when launched - can get to snapshots, weather, etc. Croaks on Headlines.
[2011-06-02] Roos:
Awesome app.
[2011-06-02] michelle:
Installed & 3x you foreclosed on me not good at all
[2011-06-02] Cameron:
FC on droid since last update.
[2011-06-02] Kaleb:
Force close when trying to go to the "money" section. But I guess the rest of it works ok
[2011-06-02] Joy:
Work on Atrix now, thanks guy
[2011-06-02] Lee:
Force closes on start. Atrix 4g
[2011-06-02] Barry:
Where is college baseball and softball and cws for the score too? Pls add these.... thks!
[2011-06-02] Maurice:
With the update this news app is my favorite again. Moto atrix.
[2011-06-02] Jairo A.:
Doesn't work on the Atrix 4G this app worked on my motorola backflip (lower hardware) but doesn't work on the duel core Atrix. devs. should fix this!
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