Популярные бесплатные медицинские приложения в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
31-40 из 987
Иконка для Clinicians Drug Reference 2011 3.2.103

Clinicians Drug Reference 2011 (v. 3.2.103)

Mobile Systems опубликовал приложение 2012-07-28
(обновлено 2012-07-28)

Exactly what you need to know about 1000 of the most commonly used medications

*** Fully Functional 7-Day Trial ***

Proving that sometimes less text can deliver more information, this super-concise guide covers more than one thousand of the most commonly used medications. Organized alphabetically by generic drug name, Clinician's Pocket Drug Reference zeros-in on must-know information such as selection and administration, mechanisms of action, dosage, cautions, contraindications, and side effects.

"A big plus is the herbal section, which lists the medicines patients are most likely to try on their own, presented in the same layout as the rest of the book....For its size, this book is a valuable re¬source. It takes up very little pocket room, and it is an efficient way to recall details about familiar drugs."--Yale Journal of Biology & Medicine

**Biographical note
Leonard G. Gomella, MD, is Chair of Urology at Thomas Jefferson University Medical College in Philadelphia, PA.
Steven Haist, MD, and Aimee G. Adams, PharmD, are affiliated with the University of Kentucky School of Medicine.

The MSDict Dictionary Format

The Clinician's Pocket Drug Reference is powered by the MSDict is here presented in MSDict electronic format. MSDict offers best experience in mobile reference and is available for any handheld platform.

*Quick dynamic search of words while you type
*Transcriptions facilitating pronunciation
*Hyperlinks between different related words
*History to see the last 50 words you have looked up
*Support for memory cards
*Filters to help you locate the word you are searching for:
  **Fuzzy filter- used when you are not sure of the correct spelling of a word
  **Keyword-used to locate the instances of a key word within other compound words
  **Wild card - "?" and "*" replace a letter and group of letters in words
*Fast article scrolling
*Ability to have dictionary Word of the day as a widget on the phone home screen
*Ability to search words in the installed dictionaries through the standard phone search feature

Иконка для Nutrition Tips 1.3.0

Nutrition Tips (v. 1.3.0)

qggmm опубликовал приложение 2012-07-23
(обновлено 2012-07-23)

Want to learn about food & nutrition?  

This cool app contains a rich collection of 500+ interesting & useful nutrition tips & nutritional health facts.

Improve your diet, overall health, beauty & youthfulness with proper daily nutrition.

- Setting color and font.
- Share via SMS(mass).
- Download more tips....

Иконка для Cardiac risk calculator 2.0

Cardiac risk calculator (v. 2.0)

TonicMinds опубликовал приложение 2012-07-14
(обновлено 2014-07-04)

Cardiac risk calculator is a very simple application which allows a cardiovascular risk calculation based on some user input parameters and the Framingham equation.

It calculates the following outcomes:
- Coronary heart disease (CHD)
- Myocardial infarction
- Stroke
- Cardiovascular disease (CVD)
- Death from coronary heart disease
- Death from cardiovascular disease

This application has been provided with the hope that it will be useful, but without warranty, implied or explicit, of fitness for a particular purpose. The author will not accept responsibility for anything. No applications can be good as your medic.

Иконка для Clean Noise FREE 2.3.1

Clean Noise FREE (v. 2.3.1)

NadsTech.com опубликовал приложение 2012-07-12
(обновлено 2012-07-12)

Enjoy great moments of relax, while reading, thinking, sleeping or having a small rest from your daily work.

Do you have noisy coworkers? don't worry, use Clean Noise's White Noise and forget about them, you will soon concentrate and continue working.

Do you want to sooth your baby? block any disruptive sound with white-noise, pink-noise or the sound of a fan. Your baby will drop off to sleep. Why buy another baby accessory when your phone can do the job?

Do you have a moment to spare after a hard work day? Activate the Rain or the Sea sounds option and sit back, relax and read your electronic book.

Clean Noise has several different relaxing sounds with beautiful landscapes to help you get relaxed.

Ambient sounds like White Noise, Pink Noise, a Fan, a Fireplace, the forest sounds, the birds singing, a fireplace, a river, a music box, the seagulls and many more.

The app can be moved to the SD !!

There is also a non limited, no ad version in the market with more soundscapes. Thanks!!

PLEASE: Send me an email to nadstech@gmail.com with your requests and recommendations, I will take them VERY seriously. THANKS !!!!

Keywords: relax, fan noise, white noise, soothing baby sounds, soundscapes, white noise ambience, baby sleep, baby music box, water sounds


This is a FREE application but please consider that it also contains Ads. I have configured it so you have two options you can change whenever you want and as you please. The idea is that you will have ONE AD TYPE OR THE OTHER, NOT BOTH, YOU CHOOSE WHICH ONE YOU PREFER IN THE MENU.

With one ad type you will have the usual BANNER that take space from the screen, that might not be a good option for small mobiles. The other option you can choose is a NOTIFICATION Ad. You will only get ONE at application start and thats all and you will have the full screen for maximum reading pleasure.

You can choose the Ad type you prefer and change it as you please. Of course, you always have the option of getting the FULL version with NO ADS at all.
My idea is that you guys can choose what you want, if you have a small screeen try notification if you have a tablet, the banner really does not disturb much. You choose!. Really hope you like this approach. Thanks !

The application displays advertising that is served over the Internet. Third one is required only by notification ad. None of the 3 are used for anything else that the reasons mentioned above.

Иконка для 의학백과 - 마이닥터 2.0

의학백과 - 마이닥터 (v. 2.0)

infoneez опубликовал приложение 2012-06-13
(обновлено 2012-06-13)

마이닥터 의학백과는 다양한 질병을 색인별, 진료과별로 검색하여 질명의 정의, 증상, 치료법 등을 상세하게 주기적으로 업데이트하여 제공합니다. 또한, 응급처치와 안전365메뉴에서는 갑자기 발생할 수 있는 응급상황 대처법과 생활안전, 자연재해, 사회재난, 인적재난 발생원인 및 대처요령을 제공합니다.
신설된 전문가 상담을 통한 의료 상담서비스를 받으실 수 있으며 주기적으로 진행되는 이벤트에서 무료 선물증정, 건강식.용품 공동구매, 시술비용 지원 등 다양한 혜택을 함께하세요!

-- 의학백과 주요기능 –

의학백과 - 각종 질병 및 의학용어를 색인별, 진료과별로 검색할 수 있는 의학사전 기능.
두뇌게임 – 메모리게임, 숫자 맞추기, 순발력테스트, 집중력테스트, 퍼즐 맞추기, 틱텍톡 게임.
응급처치 - 심폐소생술, 기도폐쇄, 화상, 출혈 등 응급상황별 대처요령과 상식제공.
안전365 – 태풍, 홍수, 감전, 테러상황 등 각종 생활안전 및 재난재해관련 상식제공.
전문가상담 – 진료과별 전문가와 증상, 치료, 시술, 수술비용에 관한 의료상담 서비스제공.

* 마이닥터 어플은 의학백과와 자가진단 어플의 모든 기능을 포함하고 있으며 하나의 회원계정으로 3개의 어플과 웹, 모바일에서 공통으로 사용 가능합니다.

** 마이닥터 어플의 기능과 컨텐츠는 모두 지적재산권이 등록되어 있으며 제휴 및 문의사항은 전화 또는 마이메뉴의 문의하기를 이용해주세요.

## 병원 관련 키워드##
건강 병원, 병원찾기 의학백과 치과 안과 피부과 건강검진 성형상담 양악수술 코성형, 성형외과, 비만, 탈모, 임플란트, 의료상담, 수술, 메디컬, 의료뉴스, 건강정보, 하이닥, 다이어트, 암, 당뇨, 내과 소아과 외과 비뇨기과 신경과 정신병원 산부인과 이비인후과 정형외과 가정의학과 마취통증의학과 성형외과 신경외과 안과 응급의학과 일반의원 임상병리과 재활의학과 진단방사선과 치과 치료방사선과 피부과 흉부외과 MRI CT 촬영 성격테스트 혈액형 성격 비만도검사 시력검사 색맹검사 배란일 계산기 스트레스 관계중독증 탈모자가진단 금연생활 흡연자가진단 니코틴중독평가 음주습관 음주습관테스트 음주습관평가 알코올중독증 검사 알코올중독증 평가 비만과 운동 운동중독평가 체중조절 병력에 의한 비만진단 운동량 비만 식생활 영양관리 식습관 자가진단 커피중독 식중독 예방 음식 궁합 남성건강 전립선 자가진단 조루 자가진단 여성건강 산후우울증 자가진단 배란일 계산기 유방암 자가진단 노인건강 골다공증 자가진단 치매 자가진단 아동건강 주의력결핍ADHD 과잉행동장애  암예방 자가진단 간암 폐암 위암 당뇨병 당뇨병 위험 평가 당뇨병 위험도 자가측정법 심혈관질환 고혈압 위험 평가 생애주기별 건강 수면건강 평가 난폭운전 평가 시간관리 평가 정신건강 우울증 척도 우울증 스트레스 노이로제 불안증 인터넷중독증 약물중독평가 강박증 위험 평가 강박증 내외향성 일중독증 알코올중독증 응급처치 심폐소생술 성인 기도폐쇄 화상 뇌졸증 출혈,지혈 뱀에 물렸을 때 벌에 쏘였을 때 일사병, 열사병 저체온증 과호흡증후군 복통분만 척추손상 발작 응급처치 비상약품 소화기사용법 눈성형 쌍커풀수술(눈성형) 앞트임수술(눈성형) 다크써클치료술(눈성형)  코성형 코끝성형 휜코성형(비만곡증) 낮은코성형(융비술) 주먹코성형 매부리코 성형  안면윤곽성형 무턱수술 사각턱수술 주걱턱(긴턱)수술  가슴성형 가슴확대술 가슴축소술 처진가슴성형 함몰유두  주름성형 주름제거술 보톡스 피부박피술 PRP주사(피주사)  쁘띠성형 쁘띠 가슴성형 쁘띠 코성형 쁘띠 이마성형  다리성형 종아리성형 힙업성형 엉덩이지방흡입 허벅지지방흡입  흉터성형 흉터교정술 레이저치료 피부이식술 켈로이드치료  기타성형 귓볼성형 보조개성형 입술확대술 입술축소술 액취증(리포셋지방흡입술)  재수술 쌍커풀재수술(눈성형) 임플란트 치아 임플란트 임플란트 틀니 레이저 임플란트  심미보철 라미네이트 올세라믹 잇몸성형  치아교정 일반치아교정 설측교정(치아교정) 투명교정(치아교정) 부정교합 치료(치아교정)  치아미백 자가치아미백 전문가 치아미백 영구 치아미백  치아성형 양악수술 라식 라식수술(Lasik) 에피라식(Epi Lasik) 아이라식(iLasik)  라섹 라섹수술 웨이브프론트 라섹  렌즈삽입 ICL 드림렌즈 하드렌즈  노안교정 노안 치료 각막열성형술(LTK)  기타시력교정 티슈세이빙 사시 치료 눈다래끼 치료  녹내장 녹내장 치료  백내장 여드름/흉터 PDT치료(여드름치료) 스무스빔(여드름치료) LED치료(여드름치료) 크로스(흉터치료) 프락셀(흉터치료) 기미 잡티 모자이크 IPL 기미치료 주근깨 치료  주름/탄력 필러 보톡스  미백/색소 IPL CO2 옐로우 레이저  제모 레이저 제모  모발이식 모발이식  피부질환 백반증 지루성 피부염 질성형 이쁜이수술(질축소성형술) 임플란트 질성형  소음순성형 소음순성형  성감증대성형 클리토리스(음핵) 노출술 양귀비수술(G스팟 성형술)  성병 STD 자궁경부암 클라미디아감염증 피임 경구피임법 임플라논 시술법 자궁내장치(IUD) 임신 진료  불임 불임 검진 불임 치료 기타산부인과진료 요실금 아토피 비염 급성비염 알레르기 비염 비후성 비염  천식 여성한방 자궁근종 한방성형 지방흡입 허벅지 지방흡입 팔뚝살 지방흡입 겨드랑이살 (가슴살) 지방흡입 지방이식 PPC주사 HPL
배달통 경찰청 교통안내 CGV 영화 예매 몸무게 열린약국 심리테스트
카카오톡 twitter 트위터 Facebook 오브제 TiKL 튜브메이트 Yahoo Skype 네이트온 MSN 톡 카톡 페이스북
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Иконка для Nurse's Drug Guide  2011 TR 3.2.94

Nurse's Drug Guide 2011 TR (v. 3.2.94)

Mobile Systems опубликовал приложение 2012-06-10
(обновлено 2012-06-10)

Everything nurses need to know about 1000 common medications -- in one pocket-sized guide!

*** Fully Functional 7-Day Trial ****

Specifically geared towards patient-care, this instant-access guide provides registered nurses with essential, up-to-the-minute information on the selection and administration of 1,000 commonly used medications. This nursing classic is revised annually to reflect approval of new drugs, changes in usage of current drugs, and withdrawal of older ones.


    * Organized alphabetically by generic drug name
    * Mechanisms of action
    * Common usage and dosage
    * Side effects
    * Drug Interactions
    * Nursing implications
    * New drugs
    * Patient education
    * Expanded coverage of medical herbs


"This very useful drug reference will easily fit in your lab coat pocket. The information is accurate and up to date. Due to size constraints, only the most frequently used medications are included in this book. This book retains its value by being revised yearly and maintaining a database of the most current information."--Doody's Review Service

Biographical note

Author Profile

Judith Barberio PhD, RN, APN, C, ANP, GNP, FNP, SNC is a Clinical Assistant Professor at Rutgers University School of Nursing. In addition to being the author of the annual Nurse's Pocket Drug Guide, she has conducted research on chronic illness, primary health care in urban settings, pharmacology and pain control, and health policy. She is also President of the Rutgers University School of Nursing Alumni Association.
The MSDict Dictionary Format

The Drug Guide is powered by the MSDict is here presented in MSDict electronic format. MSDict offers best experience in mobile reference and is available for any handheld platform.

*Quick dynamic search of words while you type
*Transcriptions facilitating pronunciation
*Hyperlinks between different related words
*History to see the last 50 words you have looked up
*Support for memory cards
*Filters to help you locate the word you are searching for:
  **Fuzzy filter- used when you are not sure of the correct spelling of a word
    **Keyword-used to locate the instances of a key word within other compound words
  **Wild card - "?" and "*" replace a letter and group of letters in words
*Fast article scrolling
*Ability to have dictionary Word of the day as a widget on the phone home screen
*Ability to search words in the installed dictionaries through the standard phone search feature

Иконка для S.O.S. by American Red Cross 1.2

S.O.S. by American Red Cross (v. 1.2)

Sharecare, Inc. опубликовал приложение 2012-05-14
(обновлено 2012-05-14)

The American Red Cross and Dr. Oz have teamed up with Sharecare to create the ultimate emergency care app exclusively for Android mobile devices. The S.O.S. app provides step-by-step video narration by Dr. Oz and follow along demonstrations allowing people to quickly and confidently respond to common emergency situations with the goal of saving lives.  This free app also includes an expansive Resource Guide for easy access to additional emergency care information.

Emergency care protocols for over 30 of the most common emergency care situations were developed and reviewed by prestigious medical and educational panels from both the American Red Cross and the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP).  These protocols were then adapted for an Android app environment and are accompanied by dynamic videos that walk through clear and concise emergency action steps that are appropriate for any audience. Dr. Oz is the instructional voice of each video, reassuringly guiding users on how to provide emergency care.  3-D animations are included for the more complex techniques, specifically Unconscious Choking and CPR which also include an audio and visual counter for real time CPR compressions.

The Resource Guide covers over 50 common emergency care situations and was adapted from current American Red Cross training materials. It includes information on everything from CPR to seizures to broken bones, all in an easy to understand and browse Q&A format.

In addition to the emergency protocols and resource guide, the SOS app features 911 dialing that auto launches a helpful map with location information which becomes  active while on call with emergency dispatch. Additionally, the SOS app provides the same helpful information for 911 calls manually dialed from outside the app. SOS app users can quickly access rich resource materials with voice recognition and keep personal emergency contact info handy at all times.

Иконка для Kids Height Predictor 2.2

Kids Height Predictor (v. 2.2)

MrRocco Team опубликовал приложение 2012-02-04
(обновлено 2012-02-04)

Know the height of your kids based on the height of the father and the mother. You don't have to go to the pediatrician to know the target height of your kids.

1.5 or higher

Иконка для WikEM - Emergency Medicine 3.3

WikEM - Emergency Medicine (v. 3.3)

Christopher Kim опубликовал приложение 2012-01-24
(обновлено 2014-02-11)

WikEM is a database of concise emergency medicine notes to assist physicians with their daily practice. Via wiki notes on http://www.wikem.org, WikEM features a continually available updated set of notes and checklists that allow for rapid reference of key information. WikEM is intended for clinicians only and not directly for patients.

If there are some issues with downloading from the app market, you can alternatively find a link to the apk at wikem.org

Иконка для Body Tricks and Hacks 2.0

Body Tricks and Hacks (v. 2.0)

Fat Divers Development опубликовал приложение 2012-01-22
(обновлено 2012-01-22)

Ever in a situation where you want to control those tears from flowing or force the sneeze? Look nowhere else now, but here's an app that provides ALL the answers to better control your body.

These body tricks and hacks are essential techniques and arts that everybody should know to understand their body better and impress others.

In order to keep the app 100% free, you will receive the following –
Search shortcut icon on your home screen.
Search shortcut on your bookmarks.
Search Homepage.
This will help me bring you more cool apps like this in the future.
The permissions added are needed to add the search icon and bookmark.
You can delete the search shortcuts easily (Drag & Drop to the garbage), this will not affect the application in any way.

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