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Лучшие по рейтингу в категории 'Здоровье и спорт' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
71-80 из 3798
Иконка для BodyTrack 1.39

BodyTrack (v. 1.39)

BodyTrack опубликовал приложение 2012-11-25
(обновлено 2012-11-25)

This app is for use in conjunction with bodytrack.org.

Иконка для Emergency medical Southtyrol 1.0.5

Emergency medical Southtyrol (v. 1.0.5)

Peer Apotheken KG - Peer Farmacie sas опубликовал приложение 2012-11-25
(обновлено 2012-11-25)

If you need urgently medical help you don’t want to lose time. With the help of this app you get the most important information in a short time. It shows you the data of the more than 100 pharmacies in South Tyrol and which one is on duty for emergencies. You will find the general practitioners, which are on duty on weekends or holidays and the hospitals in our region. A direct call of the emergency phone number 118 is also possible.

All the information are valid for South Tyrol and will be daily updated with the data from the “Amt für Gesundheitssprengel”.
Pharmacy / Pharmacy on duty
- List of the nearby pharmacies or emergency pharmacies, in reference to your actual position, arranged according to the distance
- Detailed data of the pharmacies with name, address, phone number, opening hours and distance by line of sight
- Map view of the nearest pharmacies
- Search by manual input of the address
- Direct link to the route planner
General practitioner on duty
- List of the nearby general practitioner on duty (only weekends and holidays), in reference to your actual position, arranged according to the distance
- Detailed data with name and phone number
- Map view of the nearest general practitioner on duty
- Search by manual input of the address

- List of the nearby hospitals, in reference to your actual position, arranged according to the distance
- Detailed data of the hospitals with name, address, phone number and distance by line of sight
- Map view of the nearest hospitals
- Search by manual input of the address
- Direct link to the route planner

Emergency call
- Direct call of the emergency phone number 118 which is valid in South Tyrol

Иконка для CaloriesCO2 Counter 1.0.1

CaloriesCO2 Counter (v. 1.0.1)

Angelo Santarella опубликовал приложение 2012-11-21
(обновлено 2012-11-21)

The application CaloriesCO2 Counter allows you to monitor the  kilocalories consumed and grams of CO2 emitted automatically recognizing what are you doing.
To start the application, just press the start button and wait a few seconds (5 secs), after which the states will be updated every two seconds. To stop the app then press stop.

Based on Environment State Virtual Sensor. Avaible at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/environmentstat/

Future developments: UI upgrades, preferences.

Иконка для Chromotherapy 1.1

Chromotherapy (v. 1.1)

MyReliableGames опубликовал приложение 2012-11-19
(обновлено 2012-11-19)

Chromotherapy is the use of color and light to balance the energy of the body.  Colors are light that is part of the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.  The human eye distinguishes photons between the wavelengths of 390 nanometers to 750 nanometers, the range from red to violet and everything in between.  Colors can affect many things in one’s life.  They affect our emotions, affect our perception of objects, and more importantly, they can influence the energy flow throughout our bodies.  When bodily energy is off balance, it can cause a horde of negative effects.  These effects can be counteracted by using Chromotherapy!  This is done by administering the color that is most beneficial for the lack of balance, be it recovering from a lack of one color or compensating for too much of another.  To heal the body, you must first heal the mind.  By strategically introducing colored light into your life, you can thwart these negative influences.

Features the following therapies:

Иконка для Alcohol Abuse Hypnosis 1.0

Alcohol Abuse Hypnosis (v. 1.0)

Kym Tolson & Hani Al-Qasem опубликовал приложение 2012-11-19
(обновлено 2012-11-19)

Alcoholism is a condition that affects many people. According to Learn-About-Alcoholism.com, approximately 43 percent of the population has a family member who is an alcoholic. That works out to approximately 76 million people who grew up in a home where someone had a problem with alcohol or married someone with one.

*23 million people are addicted to some type of substance. Of these people, the majority (18 million) are addicted to alcohol.

Here is a questionnaire to help you decide if your drinking is a problem.

1. Do you lose time from work because of drinking?
2. Is drinking making your home life unhappy?
3. Do you drink because you are shy with other people?
4. Have you ever felt guilty about your drinking?
5. Do you crave a drink at a definite time daily?
6. Do you drink to escape from worries or trouble?
7. Do you drink alone?
8. Have you ever had a loss of memory as a result of drinking?
9. Has a physician ever asked you to cut back or stop drinking?
10.Have you ever tried to cut back and found you couldn't?

If you answered 2 of these questions with a Yes it is a definite sign that your drinking patterns are harmful and possibly considered to meet the diagnostic criteria for alcohol dependence.

Alcoholism can be put in remission. This hypnosis SESSION can help. In addition to using hypnosis, I strongly recommend seeing a therapist that specializes in chemical dependency. I am a huge advocate of Alcoholics Anonymous as well. www.AA.org.

I am a chemical dependency therapist. If you have any questions about alcohol dependency or any other addiction please feel free to contact me.

*Please Note*

*You must have an SD card and at least 80 mb of space to install this app. You must be connected to a wifi connection for the app to install.

*If the app does not install please email me and I will send you the session as an MP3 file within 24 hours of purchase.

*Please listen with headphones for best results.

*Do Not Operate Heavy Machinery While Listening

Иконка для Buddhism Amitabha 1.21

Buddhism Amitabha (v. 1.21)

SkyD опубликовал приложение 2012-11-18
(обновлено 2012-11-18)

Buddhism Amitabha sound player.
Support background play (menu control "stop / play").

Freezing promotions.

Иконка для Buddhism Amitabha Free 1.21

Buddhism Amitabha Free (v. 1.21)

SkyD опубликовал приложение 2012-11-18
(обновлено 2012-11-18)

Buddhism Amitabha sound player.
Support background play (menu control "stop / play").

Иконка для 태교테라피 1.0.1

태교테라피 (v. 1.0.1)

neocomplex опубликовал приложение 2012-11-14
(обновлено 2012-11-14)

* 다운로드 시 주의사항
- 태교테라피 용량이 50메가 정도 됩니다. 그리고 압축파일인지라 받아서 풀 수 있는 여유 공간이 있어야 합니다. 최소 내장메모리 120메가 이상 여유공간을 확보한 후 다운로드 해주세요.

[이벤트] 출시 한달간 1천원에 판매합니다. 이후에는 정상가 3천원에 판매할 예정입니다!

아이를 임신하고 아이가 뱃속에서 부디 건강하게 자라길 바라는 건 모든 부모님의 마음일것입니다.

네오콤플렉스는 그런 부모님의 마음을 헤아려 아이와 산모에게 어떻게 해야 좋은 음악과 양질의 컨텐츠를 제공할 수 있을까 고민하다가 '태아테라피'를 개발하게 되었습니다.

'태아테라피'는 태아를 위한 클래식 뮤직과 산모와 태아 모두에게 건강한 상태를 유지하기 위한 컬러 테라피를 조합시킨 건강 어플리케이션입니다.

클래식 뮤직은 엄선된 15곡의 클래식곡이며 컬러  테라피는 각 상황에 맞는 컬러로 배치되어 있습니다.

* 음악 듣는 방법
1. 메인 하단 '태교음악듣기' 버튼을 누릅니다.
2. 상단 play list 버튼을 누릅니다.
3. 15곡의 리스트 항목이 나옵니다.
   하단에 List버튼을 누릅니다.
4. 15곡의 항목 중에 듣고 싶은 노래 우측 체크버튼을 누릅니다.
   하단 'play List 저장' 버튼 우측 체크 버튼을 누릅니다.
5. 아기 이미지가 있는 play 화면에서 플레이를 누릅니다.

* 선택한 음악 리스트 삭제 방법
1. 플레이화면 우측 상단 'playlst'버튼을 누릅니다.
2. play List 화면 하단 'List 삭제' 버튼을 누릅니다.
3. 삭제하고 싶은 노래 항목을 누릅니다.

[구성 - 클래식]

1. 모차르트 - 12 변주곡 C장조
2. 바흐 - 칸타타
3. 로드리고 - 어느 귀인을 위한 환상곡
4. J.슈트라우스 - 신 피치카토 폴카
5. 에밀리오 푸홀 - 자장가
6. 바흐 - 첼로 조곡 1번 G장조
7. 비발디 - 사계 1번 (봄)
8. 모차르트 - 클라리넷 협주곡 2악장
9. 바흐 - 브란덴부르크 협주곡 5번
10. 차이콥스키 - 백조의 호수
11. 파헬벨 - 캐논과 지그 D장조
12. 쇼팽 - 자장가 D Flat장조
13. 포레 - 자장가 D장조
14. 베토벤 - 바가텔 A단조(For Elise)
15. 모차르트 - 호른 협주곡5번 D장조


1. 우울함을 이겨내고 싶을 때
2. 스트레스를 날려보리고 싶을 때
3. 잠이 안와서 고생할 때
4. 다이어트를 하고 싶을 때
5. 유쾌하고 즐거운 마음을 갖고 싶을 때
6. 감기에 고생할 때
7. 혈액순환이 필요할 때
8. 신장/간 기능을 향상시키고 싶을 때
9. 차분해지고 싶을 때
10. 소화가 안될 때
11. 여유를 가지고 싶을 때
12. 눈이 피로할 때
13. 예술적 창의력에 도움이 되는 컬러
14. 정보처리 능력에 도움이 되는 컬러
15. 집중력을 높이는 컬러
- 컬러 테라피는 추후 업데이트 할 예정입니다.

그리고 멀티테스킹 기능을 제공하여

스마트폰의 홈버튼을 눌러 화면을 보이게 하지 않아도 추가하신 플레이 리스트 곡은 순서대로 재생이 됩니다.

건강한 아이의 출산과 산모의 건강을 함께 기원합니다!!

* 태아 테라피는 미취학 아동에게도 도움이 되는 노래들로 구성되어 있으며 컬러 테라피를 통해 아이의 집중력을 키울수도 있습니다.


태교 태아 아기 아이 임산부 임산모 임신 예비맘 예비엄마 신혼 클래식 음악 자장가 모차르트 베토벤 classic mom 부부 신혼부부 신혼 건강 색깔 컬러 color baby boy girl 테라피 휴식 우울증 다이어트 집중 노란색 파란색 yellow blue green red play plater 플레이어 랜덤 사진 네오 네오콤플렉스 neocomplex 바흐 집중력 혈액순환 정보처리 소화 감기 비발디 쇼팽 차이콥스키 육아 음악 music

Иконка для Baby Connect (activity logger) 1.9.3

Baby Connect (activity logger) (v. 1.9.3)

Seacloud Software опубликовал приложение 2012-11-13
(обновлено 2012-11-13)

Baby Connect is the most comprehensive baby tracking application on the Market. It has graphical reports and trending charts, weekly averages, medicine, vaccine, timers, notifications, emails, .csv export, an easy to use interface, unlimited data, and allows you to exchange information in real time with your spouse, babysitter, nanny or daycare wherever they are.

Baby Connect is the only application available on Android, iPhone, iPad and on the web. It will synchronize information with others authorized Baby Connect Applications on each device. If you change or lose your phone, no information is lost, you can always connect to your account at www.baby-connect.com with a browser or with another phone.

Several thousands parents, nannies and child care centers are using daily Baby Connect, more than 100 millions events were saved with the Application.

"Baby Connect is comprehensive and well-designed" - The New-York Times

*A top 5 Family & Fun App for Mom - babble.com

"Baby-Connect is just what you need to keep all the stress, anxiety and guilt at bay" - sitestouse.com

"This app is truly the most comprehensive way to log a child's daily activities" - lilsugar.com

You can record not only feedings, nursing, naps, diapers, milestones, pumping, but also the baby’s mood, temperature, what kind of game he’s playing, his gps location, and attach pictures. A web interface is also accessible for free at www.baby-connect.com from any browser, so your nanny or daycare doesn't need an phone to view and enter information about your baby.
You can compare with previous day and previous week averages, and view the data on graphs to identify trends. You can view when was the last medicine or vaccine. You can also track weight, height, and head size, and compare with the US or International percentiles.

With Baby Connect, you have access to the updates from the caregiver while you're away. You can also setup notifications to be immediately informed when something happens. Your baby will receive much better care thanks to all the detailed information automatically transmitted to each family member, and to the nanny.


* Easily track feeding (bottle, nursing, solid food), diapers, sleep, activities, mood, milestones
* Track pumping and expressed milk
* Track medicines, vaccines, sickness, weight, height, head size.
* Automatically synchronize data between accounts over the Internet
* Display graphical charts of the baby's activities
* For Preemies, percentiles are calculated with the birth date or with the due date.
* Timer to track nursing duration. The last nursing side is indicated as a reminder.
* Timer to track naps, activities, feeding session, mood, ...
* Easy to use! Log entries with just a tap
* Easily view entries from current and prior days
* Email formatted reports to spouses, doctors and nannies/sitters.
* Email Excel-compatible .csv exports.
* Enter free-form notes
* Post events and charts on Facebook or Twitter
* Upload child photo, indicate birthday, blood type and allergies
* Track as many babies as you like, setup as many parents and caregivers as you like
* holds unlimited data
* More than 100 built-in activities descriptions
* Existing built-in descriptions can be customized, new descriptions can be added
* Setup Push notifications
* Send your gps location, display the location on a map
* Track the average number and amount of sleep per day, and the longest sleeping session
* Track the average number of BM and Wet diapers per day.
* Track the average number, total and average amount of feeding and pumping per day.
* Track the number and average nursing duration per day.
* The application has been designed for maximum security. Everything is password protected.

Visit http://www.baby-connect.com for more info.

Иконка для 性愛的神秘世界(繁體中文版) 1.4

性愛的神秘世界(繁體中文版) (v. 1.4)

NexMon опубликовал приложение 2012-11-13
(обновлено 2012-11-13)





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